the Wollemi Pine

About the Wollemi Pine

"Having a Wollemi Pine in the garden allows everyone to help conserve this unique endangered species."
Dr. Cathy Offord, Royal Botanical Gardens Sydney

Fast Facts
The Wollemi Pine is one of the world's oldest and rarest trees. It was discovered just 10 years ago by a bushwalker in a national park only 200km from Sydney, Australia's biggest city.
Read the fast factsRead the fast facts

A majestic conifer with attractive, unusual dark green foliage and bubbly bark, the Wollemi Pine can grows up to 40 metres high in the wild with a trunk diameter of over one metre.
Find out more about the nature of the Wollemi, its discovery and protectionFind out more about the nature of the Wollemi, its discovery and protection.

The Pines can survive temperatures from 23-133°F (-5 to 45°C) and are expected to withstand even cooler temperatures. They are also responding well to low light indoor environments.
Read more about the Wollemi in propagation and the science behind this remarkable treeRead more about the Wollemi in propagation and the science behind this remarkable tree

Want to find out more about our partners in conserving the Wollemi Pine in Australia and internationally and the latest resources on topics such as conserving threatened tree species.
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Care Information
The Wollemi Pine, the ultimate survivor, is proving to be hardy and versatile in cultivation. Find out detailed information on how to best care for the Wollemi Pine as either a pot plant or landscape tree.
Care information for the Wollemi Pineind out more about our partners and the latest resources

Kids Corner
Test your knowledge on the Wollemi Pine by taking a quick quiz and watch a slideshow of Wollemi Pine images.
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