Wollemi Pine
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"Having a Wollemi Pine in the garden allows everyone to help conserve this unique endangered species"
Dr. Cathy Offord, Royal Botanical Gardens Sydney

"The equivalent of finding a small dinosaur still alive on earth"
Prof Carrick Chambers, Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney

"If I was to put money on who was going to be here in 100 million years - Wollemi pines or us - I would probably put it on the Wollemi"
Ken Hill, Senior Botanist, Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney

"Delightful! Just when you thought there no more surprise the world quietly reveals another treasure"
Conservationist, USA

Did you know?

Wollemi Pines are available online and from selected nurseries Australia-wide
Buy a Wollemi Pine and help to
preserve this wonderful species
for future generations
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